ps3 4.70 jailbreak
ps3 4.70 jailbreak


PS3 jailbreak on 4.70

Yesandno,firstyoumustmakesureitisabletobedowngradedto3.55,youwillhavetoinvestinane3,progskeet,orteensyflasher,it's ...

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playstation 3 4.70 hackable : rps3hacks

All PS3 are hackable. But only some ps3 slims and below are CFW hackable, this means you can install a custom operating system on the console.

Firmware 4.70 - Should I update? : rps3hacks

I am on firmware 4.70 but the exploit says it only supports 4.75 to 4.90. Should I just manually update the firmware to 4.90 or is ...

PS3 4.70 Jailbreak

You first need to downgrade your PS3 to 3.55 (E3 Flasher needed) and then install a custom firmware of your choice.

How to Jailbreak PS3 - 3.55 OFW to 4.70 CFW [HD]

Read First◅◅◅ * WATCH IN 1080p* ! Hey guys and welcome to my new video. Today i want to show you how to jailbreak your Sony playstation 3 ...

Ps3 4.70 Jailbreak

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PS3 jailbreak on 4.70

Yes and no, first you must make sure it is able to be downgraded to 3.55, you will have to invest in an e3, progskeet , or teensy flasher, it's ...

[How To] Install Or Upgrade To CFW 4.70 for Modded PS3

Important: You must have a jailbroken PS3 already. You can upgrade from any CFW to CFW 4.70. For me, I went from CFW (CEX) 4.66 darknet to ...

4.70 Custom Firmware (CFW) & Updated Homebrew Apps

The very first thing you should do before downgrading your console is to create a dump of your flash memory if anything goes wrong during the downgrading ...

PS3 on 4.70

Hello, I have a cfw exploitable PS3 on firmware 4.70. Should I update to the lastest firmware or can I jailbreak from the current firmware?

Jailbreak 4.70 OFW Fat PS3?

Nope you need to downgrade to 3.55 with a flasher and then install the CFW of your choice. There is no jailbreak for anything over that FW. I would not bother ...


AllPS3arehackable.Butonlysomeps3slimsandbelowareCFWhackable,thismeansyoucaninstallacustomoperatingsystemontheconsole.,Iamonfirmware4.70buttheexploit ...,YoufirstneedtodowngradeyourPS3to3.55(E3Flasherneeded)andtheninstallacustomfirmwareofyourchoice.,ReadFirst◅◅◅*WATCHIN1080p*!Heyguysandwelcometom...